#include <ti/real.h>
Surprisingly, the TI-84 Plus CE is actually sold to students as a calculator and not a gaming console. TI actually even implemented an entire highly-accurate floating-point package!
TI’s floating-point routines use binary-coded decimal, in which each hexadecimal nibble represents one decimal digit.
Each real_t
has 14 digits (7 bytes) in the significand, an 8-bit exponent which the OS limits to +/- 99, and a sign byte.
They provide precision similar to a standard double
on a PC, albeit with a smaller exponent range.
Using real_t
is much slower than float
because of the vastly greater precision.
(Remember that the C SDK implements double
as float
, which is allowed by the C standard.)
The SDK calls them real_t
because float
is already taken.
The OS floating-point routines also support complex numbers quite well and transparently, but SDK support is not implemented.
A C++ wrapper is available as <ti/real>
but no documentation has been written.
Please see the examples in the standalone
folder and consult the header itself.
API Documentation
TI’s decimal floating-point library.
- Authors
Matt “MateoConLechuga” Waltz
Jacob “jacobly” Young
OP1 Variable.
OP2 Variable.
OP3 Variable.
OP4 Variable.
OP5 Variable.
OP6 Variable.
OP7 Variable.
Contains data used by the statistics package.
If you use this area, mark it invalid:
#include <ti/vars.h> // . . . os_DelRes();
real_t os_RealAcosRad(const real_t *arg)
Takes the arccosine of a real_t, giving the answer in radians.
Ensure -1 <= *arg <= 1, or program will crash.
real_t os_RealAsinRad(const real_t *arg)
Takes the arcsine of a real_t, giving the answer in radians.
Ensure -1 <= *arg <= 1, or program will crash.
real_t os_RealAtanRad(const real_t *arg)
Takes the arctangent of a real_t, giving the answers in radians.
real_t os_RealExp(const real_t *arg)
Evaluates the exponential function (e^x, where e=2.717..) of a real_t.
real_t os_RealLog(const real_t *arg)
Takes the natural logarithm of a real_t.
To take log base 10, divide this value by ln(10)
real_t os_RealGcd(const real_t *arg1, const real_t *arg2)
Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor of two real_t values.
real_t os_RealLcm(const real_t *arg1, const real_t *arg2)
Calculates the Least Common Multiple of two real_t values.
real_t os_RealMin(const real_t *arg1, const real_t *arg2)
Returns the smaller of two real_t values.
real_t os_RealNcr(const real_t *total, const real_t *num)
Calculates the value of nCr (binomial coefficient) for two real_t values.
real_t os_RealNpr(const real_t *total, const real_t *num)
Calculates the value of nPr (permutation number) for two real_t values.
real_t os_RealPow(const real_t *base, const real_t *exp)
Raises one real_t value to the power of another.
real_t os_RealRandInt(const real_t *min, const real_t *max)
Returns a random real_t between min and max.
real_t os_RealMod(const real_t *arg1, const real_t *arg2)
Calculates the remainder (modulo) of two real_t values.
real_t os_RealRound(const real_t *arg, char digits)
Rounds a real_t.
digits must be in the range 0 - 9
- Parameters
arg – [in] Real variable.
digits – [in] Number of digits to round to.
int os_RealCompare(const real_t *arg1, const real_t *arg2)
Compares two real_t.
os_RealCompare(arg1, arg2) op 0
computesarg1 op arg2
for any comparison operatorop
.- Parameters
arg1 – [in] Real variable 1.
arg2 – [in] Real variable 2.
- Returns
-1, 0, or 1 if arg1 is less than, equal to, or greater than arg2.
int24_t os_RealToInt24(const real_t *arg)
Converts a real_t to an integer.
Saturates on overflow
- Parameters
arg – [in] Real variable.
real_t os_Int24ToReal(int24_t arg)
Converts an integer to a real_t.
Saturates on overflow
- Parameters
arg – Integer value.
float os_RealToFloat(const real_t *arg)
Converts a real_t to a float.
Saturates on overflow
- Parameters
arg – Real variable.
real_t os_FloatToReal(float arg)
Converts an float to a real_t.
Saturates on overflow
- Parameters
arg – [in] Float value.
int os_RealToStr(char *result, const real_t *arg, int8_t maxLength, uint8_t mode, int8_t digits)
This converts a ti-float to a ti-ascii string.
- Parameters
result – [in] Zero terminated string copied to this address
arg – [in] Real to convert
maxLength – [in]
<=0: use default max length (14)
>0: max length of result, minimum of 6
mode – [in]
0: Use current mode for everything (digits ignored)
1: Normal mode
2: Sci mode
3: Eng mode
>4: Use current Normal/Sci/Eng mode (digits still used)digits – [in]
-1: Float mode
0-9: Fix # mode
- Returns
Length of result
real_t os_StrToReal(const char *string, char **end)
This converts a ti-ascii string to a ti-float.
String format regexp: / *[-\032+]?[0-9]*(.[0-9]*)?([eE\033][-\032+]?[0-9]*)?/
- Parameters
string – [in] TI-ascii string to convert
end – [in] If non-null, pointer to end of parsed number is stored here
- Returns
resulting TI-float; on exponent overflow this is +-9.9999999999999e99
struct real_t
- #include <real.h>
Structure of real variable type.
struct cplx_t
- #include <real.h>
Structure of complex variable type.